十大彩票平台技术社区学院荣誉课程的目的是在实现整个学院的使命和目标方面发挥主导作用. 该计划通过提供资源和选择,使每个人在她/他选择的课程中发挥她/他的潜力,努力满足有学术动机的学生的需求.
- To build students' self-esteem and self-confidence through their intellectual achievements.
- To develop students' critical thinking, 口头, 视觉, and writing skills and to nurture their individual uniqueness.
- 促进学生对终身学习的态度,并灌输他们继续追求智力挑战的渴望.
- 鼓励学生将他们的见解带到其他班级,从而丰富春田技术社区学院的所有学习.
- 通过提供教学实验的机会来激励教师,促进教师的成长和更新.
- To provide service to both the campus and the Greater Springfield Community.
Completing the honors program has given me a sense of accomplishment. It's symbolic of rising above all of the dyslexic, 低社会经济地位, 第一代, 青少年的父母, and student of color narratives. 这是一段艰难的旅程, but thanks to the 荣誉项目, as well as the world’s greatest STEM professor, Dr. Ettienne-Modeste, I am proud to call myself a Massachusetts honors scholar.Monique Selden-Riley, 十大彩票平台学生受托人
十大彩票平台荣誉课程为希望在专业领域追求独特学习和研究机会的合格学生提供具有挑战性的学术体验. 作为一个 Commonwealth 荣誉项目, 我们的课程为完成课程的学生提供独家转学机会,并被认可为英联邦的荣誉学生.
该项目非常适合那些想要在学术上挑战自己,并与志同道合的同龄人互动的学生. 荣誉课程为学生提供创造性的机会,更深入地探索主题,并在十大彩票平台追求最高水平的学术成就.
Both new and current students are eligible to participate in the 十大彩票平台 荣誉项目. 为了有资格加入十大彩票平台荣誉课程并参加荣誉课程,学生必须符合以下标准之一:
- Recent High School Graduates:
- 3.5 GPA from high school - OR - a 3.0 GPA from a high school honors program - OR - 1000 combined SAT score; --OR--
- 当前的学生:
- Completed at least 12 college-level credits and maintained a 3.总绩点2.
完成荣誉课程的学生将获得英联邦荣誉学者的称号,这将在他们的官方成绩单上得到认证. Requirements for completing the program and earning this designation appear below.
Commonwealth 荣誉项目 Scholar
- 完成三个荣誉经历(总共9个学分或以上,包括至少一个荣誉研讨会),成绩为 B 或者每门课都做得更好
- Maintain an overall GPA of 3.2或更好的4.0规模
- 学生必须参加:
- at least one 荣誉研讨会 (courses designated HNR in the course catalog)
- a combination of two other 荣誉的经历 (荣誉研讨会, 荣誉部分, or 荣誉附加组件 to a traditional class).
There are a few honors-specific sections of other courses, including English classes such as ENG-101H, eng - 102 h, Introduction to Psychology (PSY-101H), Introduction to Sociology (SOC-101H), 与统计学(MAT-115H). = NOTE: in instances where an honors section, such as ENG-101H is not run in a particular semester, students are encouraged to do Honors-Add-on work.
There are three types of honors experiences in the 十大彩票平台 荣誉项目. They are described as follows:
- 荣誉研讨会 是特别设计的课程,强调批判性思维,高级研究和写作吗. 荣誉研讨会 appear in the course catalog as HNR classes. 这些课程只对被荣誉课程录取的学生开放,这些学生必须达到3分.2 or higher grade point average. 这些班级往往较小,采用研讨会形式的教学,可能是团队教学.
- 荣誉部分 是否有专门指定的传统课程,如:ENG-101H, SOC-101H, BIO-131H. These classes can be identified by the letter “H” appearing after the course number. 荣誉部分为学生提供完成荣誉工作的机会,同时也满足特定课程要求和/或通识教育要求.
- 荣誉插件项目 允许学生比传统学生在课程中所要求的更深入地追求现有学术课程的内容和主题. The content and subject matter of the add-on component course is developed by the student, in conjunction with the professor and assisted by the 荣誉项目 Coordinator as needed. 通常, the add-on component is documented through a scholarly research paper, 小组项目, a portfolio of creative work, or presentation at a public forum. 学生必须在附加课程中获得B的成绩,该课程才能在成绩单上被视为荣誉课程. The Honors Add-on option is available to any student of the college who has achieved a 3.2平均绩点. Prior to the end of the fourth week of the semester, students pursuing add-on components must complete the 附加合同 and submitted to the Honors Coordinator, Professor John Diffley at jjdiffley@optical-trade.com.
完成一项荣誉体验后,学生可以进入十大彩票平台荣誉学生休息室. The Honors Lounge is a place for Honors students to gather to socialize and get work done. The Lounge includes access to desktop computers, conference area, refrigerator, and more.
高等教育委员会接受了联邦荣誉计划执行委员会的报告,并延长了春田技术社区学院在联邦荣誉计划中的成员资格,为期六年, 2014年11月生效.
Looking for more information?
约翰J. Diffley. J.D.
Program Chair, Liberal Arts/General Studies
荣誉项目 Coordinator (as of 1/1/2019)
Springfield Technical Community 大学
Putnam Hall (B17), room 241
电子邮件: jjdiffley@optical-trade.com
It has helped to hone my critical thinking and communication skills. I've always liked taking on new challenges. I feel strongly that the 荣誉项目 has pushed me out of my comfort zone.妮可Bedard 十大彩票平台 student enrolled in 荣誉项目